GOSTEAM Seminar & Workshop in Greece:
Development of educational hands-on STEAM activities in Geospatial and Environmental Science
The event, in the form of introductory seminar and workshop, will present the GOSTEAM approach to wider audiences. Participants to this event are expected to be teachers, policy makers and education practitioners from Greece. Local organizers are going to present the GOSTEAM Conceptual Framework and Methodology along with the Educational Resources & Piloting Activities and how they can be integrated to lesson plans for formal educational environments. Finally, they will explain the structure and functionalities of the GOSTEAM Community on the OSOS Platform.
For policy makers, the introductory seminar is important since they will be able to find out in action the dimensions of spatial thinking to increase attractiveness of STEAM education and further consider the possibility of transferring the GOSTEAM approach to policy actions. In addition, the aim of the Workshop is to “train” teachers to the GOSTEAM approach so that they can use it later on themselves.
The GOSTEAM Multiplier Event in Greece is organized during the EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2021 on Saturday 23th of October 2021 (11:00 – 13:00 CET).
The Registrations are already open here.
Please, share this information with all contacts you deem relevant.
We look forward to seeing you!
GOSTEAM Seminar & Workshop in Sweeden 2021:
Development of educational hands-on STEAM activities in Geospatial and Environmental Science
The purpose of the event is to present tools and activities that can be used to train the spatial ability of students in lower and upper secondary schools. The educational seminar is aimed for teachers in, for example, geography, natural sciences, social sciences, physics, chemistry, biology or environmental sciences. It is for those, who are not experts, but want to know more about geographical information systems and how to use internet-based tools to train students’ spatial abilities.
The Registrations are already open. See for further instructions and the full programme here.
GOSTEAM Summer School 2021
Due to Covid-19 related restrictions the GOSTEAM Summer School 2021 will be held online (5-9 July 2021) and it will give the opportunity to teachers and
educators participating to exchange with their colleagues, experiences and practices in actual environments inside and outside the classroom. The scope is to
cultivate students’ cognitive abilities and skills, such as spatial thinking, problem-solving, and critical thinking, in the interdisciplinary
context of environmental literacy and global awareness.
Moreover, teachers and educators can jointly produce hands-on activities in the framework of spatial thinking, as a blending of knowledge and skills, and share them with the educational community.
Ultimately, this course aims to provide ways for intercultural dialogue on how spatial thinking skills can be enhanced in different European educational practices
The GOSTEAM Summer School is supported by the European School Innovation Academy. Learn more here: https://esia.ea.gr/gosteam-summer-school/
You can find below the full programme and the outcomes (including all presentations, useful resources and the workshops) of the GOSTEAM Summer School 2021:
E1-8 Multiplier Events
Eight multiplier events, held in various countries, aim to disseminate the GOSTEAM approach beyond the project partnership and provide opportunities for hands-on experience. Target audiences include secondary education teachers, teachers’ trainers, pre-service teachers, science center educators, educational policy makers and stakeholders.